In March of this year, the Food and Nutrition Service—operating under the United States Department of Agriculture—proposed new rulings within the Employment & Training sections of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). These rulings allowed potentially-affected industries and organizations to respond within 60 days of the proposal. What is SNAP? The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program is a federal program that…
July 3, 2020 | Vision Blog
Healthcare systems’ and facilities’ response to COVID-19 has uncovered technology applications and remote care capabilities that are steering the industry even faster into a new digital era—while simultaneously reshaping the outcomes of patient care, delivery of disease management, and the pace at which health professionals can extract transformative information from patient data. With the most vulnerable of populations, like elderly…
June 10, 2020 | Vision Blog
Four years have passed since government officials representing eight separate U.S. federal departments and agencies launched the U.S. Government Global Nutrition Coordination Plan 2016-2021. The sub-groups that make up this unit have worked to define the purpose and role of each member, identified six technical focus areas, and accomplished national achievements through inter-agency collaboration that reinforces the United States’ position…
June 3, 2020 | Vision Blog
Health data has proven itself an invaluable tool in delivering quality care delivery, enhanced patience experiences, and valuable insights towards developing more effective treatment protocols. In critical health situations that affect varying groups of a population, like a global pandemic, the foundation for fighting the crisis and correcting its trajectory is built on data. Global healthcare systems have responded to…
May 26, 2020 | Vision Blog
A recent Gallup poll determined 73% of Americans “think there’s a shortage of coronavirus tests” in the U.S. Additionally, the poll also concluded that there’s been a 23% drop in adults adhering to self-isolation measures the week prior to the poll. Feelings and opinions on the issue of when to safely resume state businesses remain mixed. Healthline spoke with four…
May 26, 2020 | Vision Blog
Industries and economies continue to grapple with the lifestyle and work shifts resulting from COVID-19. Many are committed to pursuing their job hunt, while others are beginning their search from scratch to enter a new field, meet current geographic demand, or lend experience and skills to industries experiencing the most need. Using your time effectively and establishing new behaviors that…
May 11, 2020 | Vision Blog
January 2020 marked the official compliance date for food manufacturers—with annual revenue of $10 million or more—to update the nutrition label found on their products as a result of the 2016 FDA Nutrition Facts Label Rule and Serving Size Final Rule. To best support these manufacturers as they shift production to meet the deadline, the FDA assembled a task force…
May 1, 2020 | Vision Blog
Approximately 30 million children receive school-provided lunch–and almost half those receiving breakfast as well–through coordinated efforts and federal partnerships operated by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The USDA provides these meals to over 99,000 public and nonprofit private schools as well as reimbursement for meals that align with federal nutrition guidelines and standards established in 2010 through the…
May 1, 2020 | Vision Blog
Discovering creative ways to adjust to a new, temporary way of living demands flexibility and patience. As many prioritize their personal health to reduce exposure to the coronavirus, nutrition remains an essential piece of the regimen to help strengthen your immune system and overall health. Maintaining a well-balanced, nutritious food routine can be challenging even in optimal conditions. With protective…
April 24, 2020 | Vision Blog
As COVID-19 test kits reach key areas across the country and opportunities to be tested rise, the world eagerly waits as health experts explore possible cures and develop vaccines for future protection. A proven and effective way to toughen your immune system includes a nutritious diet filled with nutrients your system relies on. Although you’re likely familiar with the many…
April 23, 2020 | Vision Blog
Fewer doctors, fewer beds, higher out-of-pocket expenses, and increasing numbers of uninsured or under insured Americans are among the immediate priorities health systems and administrators are now challenged to improve and correct as COVID-19 commands widespread attention. Recently, Vox (article linked below) reported the lack of preparedness across the U.S. healthcare industry, especially when compared to other developed countries, as…
April 23, 2020 | Vision Blog
In late March, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) partnered with state and local governments to facilitate a geolocation initiative to analyze coronavirus spread and compliance measures as many states wait for proper COVID-19 testing kits. Aimed at identifying high-traffic territories and efficacy of stay-at-home measures against the spread of coronavirus, the data from this initiative will help…
April 22, 2020 | Vision Blog
As of April 2020, approximately 30 countries have taken action to enable digital technology as a containment strategy for COVID-19. Through the use of these apps, combined with health data sharing capabilities, health systems must balance the good of the public health with patient privacy regulations to preserve and strengthen public trust in health technology. Across Europe, several countries are…
April 21, 2020 | Vision Blog
Recent and evolving CDC recommendations for social distancing measures and stay-at-home protocols have energized Walgreens to expand its teleheath capabilities, providing broader, effective care to patients when and where they need it. Walgreens announced the expansion plan on Thursday, April 9th using its Find Care™ platform. Find Care™ by Walgreens exists as both a digital platform and marketplace connecting patients…
April 20, 2020 | Vision Blog