Llanie Nobile is an instructor for the online Medical Biochemistry I (CHEM 1005) class. She also serves as our Adjunct Faculty Representative and is an actively contributing member at our Faculty Assembly meetings. Read more about her below!
As a subject matter expert in the chemistries, I’ve done several projects ranging from course development to content verification. I’ve designed, recorded and launched courses for American College of Education, Keiser University, Florida Atlantic University, and Herzing University (to name a few). I’ve also handled contracts with the ACT and StraighterLine.
Previously, I established an AS and BS Biotechnology program with internships in the various areas of biotechnology – that was fun!
Currently, I am in my 5th year as a chemistry lecturer at Marquette University in Milwaukee, WI and have been an adjunct biochemistry professor here at UNE since 2016.
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In high school, I worked for the National Physique Committee and traveled all around the US to help with the competitions. My job was mostly administrative stuff but when the bodybuilders needed to be painted “tan,” I was first in line with a spray can and paintbrush.
I’ve had other (pre-professional) jobs like driving the beverage golf cart, working at a pet store, cleaning dog kennels at the humane society, and waiting tables but working with the NPC was the most interesting by far.
And it was my first introduction to the biochemistry of the body as I watched the very lean athletes prepare their body for competitions.
My honors chemistry students just wrapped up writing children’s chemistry books. Check out the following links which highlight one of my student’s work:
A couple of pages from Pouya Mirzaei’s comic book, “Stuck With Atomic Bonds.” The comic book aims to help kids understand atomic bonds. Photo Credit Marquette University
Providing students with confidence in the science areas. Making students realize, through hard work and effort, that they can succeed. It took the right teacher for me to realize that and I hope to be that person for my students as well.
Pride and a happy heart. I absolutely love to read emails from past students thanking me for helping them achieve their goals. Even a little action like writing a letter of recommendation means so much to them. And the pride my students give me when they turn in amazing, well thought out assignments… I know they understand the material and can portray it through their efforts in class. It’s a cool feeling.
Definitely the gratitude from students once they have finished their prerequisites and are headed to professional school…. Or maybe it’s when students hit a turning point in the class and realize that their hard work is paying off 😊.
Being an online student takes dedication, planning, and motivation. You will get out of the class what you put into it – so push yourself. Stay organized and please read the announcements posted in class.
The same meal I ate nearly every day of all three pregnancies – a slice of NY style cheese pizza, a California roll, spicy buffalo wings (flats only), and a McDonald’s cheeseburger with sweet tea. I have no doubt that I could eat this for the rest of my life.
If you are interested in the Science Prerequisites for the Health Professions class offerings or if you would like more information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to an enrollment counselor via email at prehealth@une.edu or by phone by calling (855) 325-0894 if you were to have any questions.
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